Model: Crystal Wright | photog: A & F Photography


Age: 30
How long have you been modeling?
2 years
How much experience do you have modeling?
What caught your interest in modeling?
the art, beauty, passion
Who have you worked with?
A & F Photography, KLP Photography, CJ & H Photography, Traci Wingate Photography
How did you get into modeling?
professional dancing & a friend
Do you have any unusual talents?
Im a professional choreographer, dancer & gymnast for a company based in Dothan, AL.
What was the most memorable shoot you have done and with who?
Traci Wingate Photography & A & F Photography. both dance shoots & first shoots.
What kind of modeling have you done?
fashion, fitness, dance, shadow
What do you think of all the Aspiring models starting to make an appearance?
I love new faces & a passion for their career!
What kind of advice can you give new or aspiring models about what to expect?
Dont give up. It takes years to achieve your dreams.


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